Designers Guild is a progressive employer committed to promoting equality of opportunity and equal treatment across all aspects of our business. We have a clear policy of paying employees equally for the same or equivalent work. Over 60% of our workforce is female and women are strongly represented at all management levels of the business.
Our Gender Pay Gap information as required by the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 is published below. On the snapshot date (5th April 2018) Designers Guild Ltd had 250 employees of whom 156 (62%) were female and 96 (38%) were male.
Pay data
Our calculations show a mean gender pay gap of -9% meaning that the average pay for women was 9% higher than the average pay for men. Men also have a lower median pay as shown by the median pay gap of -27%. This means that when hourly pay for men and women is ranked by value the woman in the middle of the range is paid 27% more than the man in the middle of the range of men.
These calculations reflect the composition of the workforce. In particular, the higher proportion of women in the upper middle quartile of the pay structure and the higher proportion of males in the lower quartile than for the company as a whole.
Bonus data
The proportion of women and men receiving a bonus payment was approximately equal at 44% for men and 46% for women.
The mean bonus gender pay gap was 31% and the median bonus gender pay gap was 36%.
This means that for employees who received a bonus, the average bonus paid was 31% higher for men. If bonuses are ranked by value for men and women, the man in the middle of the range for men received a bonus 36% higher than the woman in the middle of the range of women.
Quartile data
The proportion of men and women with hourly pay in each quartile is set out below.
Women |
Men |
Quartile 1 (upper) |
67% |
33% |
Quartile 2 (upper middle) |
76% |
24% |
Quartile 3 (lower middle) |
68% |
32% |
Quartile 4 (lower) |
39% |
61% |
We confirm that the above data is accurate and produced in accordance with The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.
Simon Jeffreys
Chief Executive